Preprost nelinearen SW za montažo - EDIUS 7.0

Preprost nelinearen SW za montažo - EDIUS 7.0

Ko mora montažer čakati na tehnologijo, trpi ustvarjalnost. To se ne zgodi z EDIUS® 7.


Uredi karkoli, kjerkoli - EDIUS 7.0. je najhitrejši in najbolj vsestranski program, ki omogoča editiranje vsebin v realnem času - 4K, 3D, HD, SD v skoraj vseh formatih od 24x24 do 4Kx2K, vse na eni časovnici. Vse v realnem času. 
Pro 7 je odlično zaključno orodje za broadcast novice, novice iz revij in studijske programe, kot tudi za dokumentarne in 4K gledališke produkcije.

Edius 7 is FAST:  


CENA: samo 599,00 € + ddv 

Nadgradnja sistema Edius iz nižjih verzij: samo 290,00 € + ddv


  • That's why broadcasters, production houses, media departments, and video professionals worldwide choose Grass Valley® EDIUS for multiformat editing.
  • Limitless: With no limitations to the number of audio, video, graphics, and title tracks, EDIUS Pro 7 can handle the most complex projects, even in 4K.
  • Plays well with others: EDIUS Pro 7 is now open to third-party input and output hardware from Blackmagic Design, with support for Matrox and AJA Video Systems hardware scheduled for Q4 2013. EDIUS Pro 7 also supports EDL project import/export color correction interchange with DaVinci Resolve for a new color grading workflow.
  • What's high can be low: Low-resolution proxy editing mode enables older desktop and laptop systems with the power of EDIUS Pro 7. That means you don't need the latest and greatest system to edit with EDIUS Pro 7.
  • Transcode this: With unrivaled real-time video transcoding technology, EDIUS Pro 7 gives you the ability to convert between 4K, HD, and SD resolutions, aspect ratios, and frame rates—all in real time.

And now EDIUS has partnered with Blackmagic Design to support its PCIe DeckLink 4K Extreme and Thunderbolt-based UltraStudio 4K capture and playback devices for the most affordable 4K workflows.

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