Mobilni studio NewTek - Tricaster™ 410

Mobilni studio NewTek - Tricaster™ 410

TriCaster ™ 410 je odličen primer kvalitetne produkcijske naprave, ki omogoča preprosto delo v TV produkciji kot tudi podporo različnim dogodkom na terenu in izven studia.

Model 410 

je prvi iz med segmentov HD produkcije, ki sprejema tudi SDI signal, ki ga je možno tako editirati v živo, zajemati ter pripraviti do končnega produkta s kompletno podporo za oddajanje v internet okolje. Mobilno ohišje velikosti 2U zagotavlja optimalno mobilno rešitev. TriCaster 410 združuje zmogljiv preklopnik, sofisticirano vizualizacijo, 3D holografsko virtualno okolje, miksing, različne večtočkovne prelive, s sočasnim posredovanjem vsebine v internet okolje in v druge in socialna medijska omrežja.


CENA: 9.995,00 € + ddv


Product Essentials:

  • 4 M/E, 15-channel video switching with SDI I/O, audio mixer, titles, buffers, warping transitions, DSK and DVE effects
  • Rich creative production with mix-effect submixes, automated functions, network sources, extensive video effects, and even 3D virtual sets that look like on-location
  • Completely customizable visuals to elevate brand and company identity
  • Extensive automation and breakout control of commands and complex sequences
  • Custom, interactive elements and effects sequences triggered by talent
  • Built-in live streaming, social media publishing, and recording—with the push of a button
  • Replace complex components that require cabling, extensive setup and configuration
  • Location- and flight-case friendly

SDI Multi camera Production Tools For Live Delivery

Turnkey production - TriCaster 410 replaces gear for recording, encoding, switching, submixing, playback, audio mixing, DVE, advanced graphics and titling, animation store, scan conversion, multiple channels of virtual sets, live streaming, camera automation, scopes and monitors, and social media publishing.

Sdi i/o - Input up to four cameras with varying SD and HD resolutions and formats, correct the color, key, crop, scale, and frame sync. SDI output connections can send the program out to multiple destinations and displays, even to another TriCaster over the network with a network output.

15-channel multi-camera production - Connectivity for 4 SDI camera sources. 2 DDRs. 2 built-in graphic and sound slots. 2 network sources for sharing computer displays, wireless iOS devices, or any over-the-network source. 4 M/E banks to stage live virtual sets, create real-time compositions and presets, and submixes that can act as upstream switchers.

Audio mixing - Unprecedented routing, customization, control and flexibility. Sound configuration and delivery such simulcast audio, multilanguage presentation, and mix-minus applications. Full support for mixing from a remote mixer app, the Avid Artist Mix control surface, and other third-party audio control interfaces including LiveMixer.

Holographic liveSet - Realistic foregrounds and live moving backgrounds. Take a panoramic of any location with a smart phone, or a 3D model from any universe, and make it your scene using NewTek holographic LiveSet capability, bringing augmented reality that much closer to live. 2 live sources, each with overlay, all with transitions, sounds, 3D DVEs and effects.


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